Solutions for Math and STEM

Making math and science more accessible and engaging

There’s more than one way to solve a math problem

From calculations to collaboration and critical thinking, when you think about math, there's always more than one way to solve a problem. We all think and learn differently. Moving to digital STEM classes often has us thinking about how difficult it can be for you and your students to write complex math equations on screen.

Without knowing or teaching your students how to write in LaTeX, how can they accurately get their expressions down in a Google Doc, Google Form or a Microsoft Word document?

Texthelp tools give students the opportunity to truly show what they know in math and science. Students and teachers can benefit from time saving tools that make math more accessible and engaging.

Accessible and engaging math

From learners with dyslexia to ELL students, we all learn and understand math in different ways. Some learners prefer to work out problems by graphing, some prefer to talk it out.

With Texthelp tools, students have choice in how they engage and understand math and science problems. This includes having math read aloud using “math-to-speech” and visualizing concepts digitally.


Equatio helps to make math and science more accessible and engaging for every learner. Equatio’s accessibility features help students to be more independent in all STEM subjects. Students can use the tools in Equatio to visualize, digitize, and understand math, in ways that best suit their needs.


Through its integration with Equatio, OrbitNote gives students access to the Equatio tools they’re familiar with to view and respond to math problems, within a PDF worksheet. Tools like Equatio’s Screenshot Reader and Equation Editor make static PDF problems more accessible.


When coupled with Equatio, Read&Write gives students the ability to hear math read aloud through “math-to-speech.” This is a great help to those students who learn best through auditory processing.

Assessing progress in math

Teachers in every subject use formative assessment tools to check for understanding, monitor learning progress, and provide feedback to students. In math, formative assessment tools such as pop quizzes, asking students to build something, calling on students during class, and playing classroom games where students must apply what they have learned are used to gauge comprehension

Texthelp tools offer alternative digital assessment methods for students with disabilities or learning differences.


Digital assessment tools can empower you to move beyond giving grades to providing personalized assessment and feedback. This helps you and your students to get a clear picture of where they’re at and where they need to be. Equatio’s integration with Google forms allows you to easily set digital math quizzes. Allowing you to hear from every student at one time, and give them personalized feedback, saving classroom time and closing the feedback loop quickly.

Enhance understanding in math with manipulatives

In today’s digital classroom, getting students to work together to solve math problems can be a struggle. Whether that means a group of students huddled around one device, or reverting to pen and paper, neither scenario is ideal in the fast-paced, modern math class.

Texthelp tools help to create collaborative digital workspaces for math teachers and students.


Equatio mathspace is a web-based tool that allows math learners to work freely in a digital space with equations, shapes, and freehand drawings. Explaining your thinking in math takes more than one line, and a combination of math expressions and text. Multiple lines and shapes and freehand drawing in Equatio mathspace helps students demonstrate their understanding. Equatio mathspace integrates with Google Classroom, meaning each student has easy access to their own mathspace to solve. From here they can show their thought process and return to you through the mathspace dashboard.

Are you ready to find out more about how our tools can help you and your students?

Complete this form to ask us questions, receive a demo, or to discuss licensing options.

What our customers say

“Discovering Equatio was the real turning point for me and my students, finally we could all learn math in a fully digital and inclusive way.”