A world of literacy solutions to help everyone understand and be understood.

Our smart, inclusive technologies help people read, write, and communicate with accuracy and fluency. We’re helping to unlock potential across all stages of life.

Anytime, any device, anywhere

Our products support literacy, numeracy and accessibility in the classroom and the workplace. Get access on any device or platform, wherever you're working.

  • Accessibility & Productivity Tools
  • For Education
  • For Work
  • Literacy
  • Numeracy
FREE for Teachers

Helps millions of students and adults worldwide to read, write and express themselves independently.

Makes math both digital and accessible. Type, handwrite, or dictate any expression, with no tricky coding to master.

Assess and motivate student writing while providing fast and effective feedback on individual written work.

Assess student reading fluency and track progress. Gives extra support to struggling readers & English Language Learners.

Create an accessible, dynamic and collaborative space that works for everyone.

Publishers can make online learning, assessments and platforms accessible with our cloud based language and literacy toolbar.

Supports people who think, learn and work differently. Helps neurodiverse workforces to thrive.

Breaks down communication barriers. Improve the accessibility, readability and reach of your online content.

Helps neurodiverse students to achieve more with reading and writing

Do you need help choosing which product is right for you?

Speak to one of our Texthelpers today if you have any unanswered questions about our products, or if you’d like to set up a trial or pilot.

Wondering how much our tools cost? Check out our pricing page to find out more.