
  • Top 5 Ways to use EquatIO in the Classroom

    Originally posted on the EdTechTeam blog, this article highlights the top 5 ways to use EquatIO in the classroom. EquatIO is Texthelp's new math tool for educators around the world to use. This Chrome Extension allows teachers and students to type, write or speak math. Yes - this is the tool that will make those frustrating equation editors obsolete. 

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  • Enjoy the difference: Read&Write accommodates every learning style

    Here at Texthelp we talk to educators around the world who are keen to bring differentiated instruction into their classrooms.

    They’ve often got naturally gifted learners alongside struggling readers and writers, as well as English Language learners and students coping with dyslexia. That’s a pretty broad spectrum of needs to accommodate.

    The good news is that our best-ever Read&Write literacy software includes plenty of tools to complement every learning style. We asked Education Consultant Richard Michael to guide us through the best bits:

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  • Math made digital: EquatIO is here!

    At Texthelp we’re about much more than literacy. I would like to introduce EquatIO, our easy-to-use Chrome extension that takes the hassle out of creating equations, formulas and math quizzes on your computer or Chromebook.

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  • Thinking Beyond Averages in the Classroom

    If you’re an educator, help out in classrooms often, or simply have kids of your own, you probably know that no two students are alike. They come in all shapes and sizes, abilities, strengths, and interests. 

    Even though most everyone agrees with the above statement, we still tend to focus on “averages” both in and out of the classroom however. And this isn’t always be the best metric for measuring progress. 

    For example, If you were to calculate the average height of a class, or look at the average score on a test, you’d likely find that few if any students were the average height or had the average test score. Instead you’d find that several students scored below (some possibly way below) average while others scored above. So while the average does tell you something about the class as a whole, it doesn’t account for how diverse classrooms have become. 

    So what’s the alternative? Let’s take a look… 

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  • g(Math) just got smarter - and lots more fun!

    g(Math) is a Google Add-on that I started developing back in 2013 that makes it quick and easy to create equations, graphs, stats displays and math quizzes to insert in Google Docs, Sheets, and Forms. Earlier this year, g(Math) became the newest addition to the Texthelp product suite.  As such, Texthelp’s expert developers and I have improved upon my original design to create a more simple and intuitive tool for creating digital, accessible math. Just like your students who have already grown so much since the start of the new school year, so has g(Math).

    Continue reading to see all of the latest and greatest updates we’ve made to the g(Math) Add-on, along with some short demo videos you can use to share these updates with your students and colleagues. 

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  • Practice Reading Aloud with Read&Write for Google Chrome

    A few weeks ago we announced several new features and enhancements to our literacy software Read&Write for Google Chrome™ just in time for back to school. In both our blog post and webinar we also hinted at some additional updates coming soon. 

    We’re happy to announce that the first of those updates, a new Practice Reading Aloud feature, is now available. 

    The Practice Reading Aloud feature lets students select any text from a Google Doc or the web, practice and record themselves reading it aloud, listen to their recording, and even share it with their teacher! And it’s a completely free feature - the first new free feature to be added to the toolbar since Read&Write launched!

    Keep reading for additional details on how it works, as well as a short overview video.

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