Why your workplace needs a dash of Autism

Masters in their field with incredible knowledge and passion which radiates as they speak, yet struggling with employment?!

Unfortunately, this is the case for many individuals on the Autistic Spectrum. In fact, upwards of 80% of individuals with autism are unemployed. A barrier exists between talented individuals and the workplace. There's a lack of understanding in how to recruit and retain neurodivergent individuals in a way which empowers their success. It's something we're passionate about tackling, and in light of Autism Awareness Month we're sharing a few thoughts on how to be mindful of different minds...

Texthelper with jigsaw pieces to symbolize Autism awareness

The challenge

Care and support for Autistic children is growing within the education system and it is clear that early detection and intervention are important factors for development. But what support is available for adults with Autism in the workplace?

It can be a daunting experience for anyone, leaving the education system for the ‘big, wide world of work’. That brings a mixture of nerves, uncertainty and a little excitement at new found independence. For someone with social difficulties where change and the unknown can cause distress, this transition can be extremely difficult, especially in a world which doesn’t always accommodate or prioritize neurodiversity.

Our recent research found that often, neurodiversity and disability inclusion is low in the list of priorities when it comes to diversity and inclusion. When speaking with neurodivergent workers, 64% believed their organization could be doing more to support them; 34% have experienced difficulty in recruitment and interview processes; and, 32% have experienced a lack of career progression. Often, the processes put in place to hire and retain employees do not nurture neurodivergent minds.

The workplace is missing out on a spectrum of talent

Neurodivergent conditions are a part of human diversity with each making the world a more interesting and unique place to be. Those with Autism experience the world differently and offer original concepts of shared experiences.

As a spectrum condition, there are a variety of characteristics associated with Autism that can be advantageous to the workplace; heightened senses, strong eye for detail, intense concentration, ability to recognize patterns and solve problems, loyalty, strong memory, a literal mindset, logical approach and average to above average intelligence are just a few. In fact, individuals with Autism tend to be savants in their industry because they're so passionate and enthusiastic about the things that interest them. 

Quote by Dr Colin Zimbleman: “Autism...offers a chance for us to glimpse an awe-filled vision of the world that otherwise might pass us by”


So, how can you be mindful of different minds?

Changing the workplace mindset means to recognize the diversity of each and every individual and be proactive in facilitating differing needs, from recruitment through to nurturing and retaining employees.

Recruitment & hiring

Begin by rethinking what skills are truly important for the role; the ability to make eye contact when communicating or, bringing novel ideas and a wealth of knowledge to the job? Job descriptions should be based on the actual skills required for the job and not related to generic social abilities.

During the hiring process consider ditching traditional interviews which can be difficult for individuals who struggle to communicate. Instead, offer work trials or tasks which allow potential employees the chance to demonstrate their skills. If this isn’t possible then make reasonable adjustments to aid the interview process; give the candidate the questions in advance so they have some time to process and prepare, and perhaps allow an extra little bit of time for their responses.

Nurturing & retaining employees

Flexibility towards personalized working is key to nurturing employees with Autism. With a tendency to be hypersensitive, too many distractions can cause overstimulation. Provide quiet zones or noise canceling headphones to aid a calm environment. Additionally, you can facilitate diverse ways of processing with the use of assistive technology.

Reduce anxiety and stress with structured routines; provide clear deadlines and help plan workloads by assigning time slots to tasks. Practice forward-thinking and adapt the literal mindset by being instructive; this reduces the distress caused by change and the unknown, and ensures clear expectations.

Finally, it can often be difficult for someone with Autism to express their feelings, especially if they don’t know who to turn to. Provide a support network with a dedicated ‘buddy’ and schedule weekly one to one check ins.

If you would like to find out more about how you could embrace neurodiversity in the workplace, check out our free guide: Neurodiversity in the Workplace: A Guide for HR and DEI Managers.

Discover More

Learn more about what employees with autism can bring to your organization.

Our guide covers the strengths autistic employees can bring to the workplace, as well as what accommodations should be made to make sure your workplace is inclusive for autistic employees.